
Case Study: European GDPR / Tech Conference

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With more than 20 speakers scheduled across the single day of this International conference, ALL speaking remotely from their home or workplace, our client’s major concern was the “connectivity” risk factor. 

We added into the mix several additional risks of the fully virtual event….

a) the “unexpected interruption” risk – doorbell ringing, washing machine or dishwasher coming on, family or work colleague strolling in, neighbour’s dog barking, workers digging up the road 

b) the “perceived good look = bad speaker backdrop” risk – the gently moving cornfield; the wildebeests migrating across the Serengeti; the Golden Gate bridge. The bookshelf full of hand-picked novels… or family photos… or sports trophies and certificates…

c) Technology user error by a nervous presenter… 

….. to name just a few. 

Our client holds a GoToWebinar licence, so we chose that platform to feed the presentations into the main event 6Connex platform. To entirely mitigate the risk of presentations falling over “on the day”, our video director scheduled a one-hour rehearsal and recording with every speaker, to capture their PowerPoint and other support content, explain the tech and give some very useful hints and tips on how to present virtually. Each speaker delivered their presentation “as live” (and in not too many takes) and our VD edited each to a polished final speech. Each session of three or four speakers through the day was pre-loaded onto the GTW event platform, ready for show day. On the event broadcast day, each session was to conclude with a live Q&A, so we also briefed all presenters about to what to do on the day. 

On event day, the conference was split into mini sessions, with pre-recorded presentations delivered ‘as live’ and live and Q&A to conclude each session, moderated by the host. Questions were submitted by the platform’s chat and questions functions.

Evolution says: There are many, many platforms out there to choose from, each offering varying degrees of functionality, ease of use and viewer engagement. In our (extensive) experience there’s not necessarily a “one-size-fits-all” platform to recommend, but different solutions for different types of event, and different budgets. 

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